Breath of God, breath of life, breath of deepest yearning.
Comforter, Disturber, Interpreter, Inspirer.
Heavenly Friend, Lamplighter, Revealer of truth, Midwife of change.
The Lord is here.
Reading : Acts 2: 1-4, 14-21
“Come, living God, when least expected, when minds are dull and hearts are cold”
These are words from a hymn that is sometimes sung on Pentecost Sunday. And, I can remember clearly when these words became very real for me.
I was in Menstrie church one Sunday after a particularly harrowing week when a young teenage boy had died after a tragic accident in the Ochil Hills above the village.
The church was packed that Sunday as people gathered together in their shock and grief.
The minister had a hard task that day trying to bring a word of comfort, and hope, whist truthfully admitting that he did not have all answers as to why such a thing could have happened to a young boy with all his life ahead of him.
I remember he spoke of how even in the darkest of days, the light of Christ was still shining, and would never be put out.
It’s true to say that in the sanctuary there was a real heaviness in the air, and yet as the closing hymn began, a bright burst of sunlight came shining through two of the windows.
I felt a fluttering in my tummy and I felt a smile coming to my lips. I looked up at the people standing beside me to see if they were sensing anything happening, but there was no sign of anything in their faces. The feeling inside me was building and I felt an excitement building.
At the close of the service, I did not go home, but walked for miles along the back road from Menstrie to Dollar. All the way I was singing hymns and skipping and jumping, like I was full of a new energy. I can remember meeting people, who were looking at me in amazement, probably wondering if I’d lost the plot.
I did not know what was happening to me that day, it was only in later months that I realised that I had had an experience of the Holy Spirit falling upon me and filling me up to overflowing.
On the Day of Pentecost followers of Jesus gathered together in one place. They had been in a time of waiting having been instructed to by Jesus before he left them. He had promised that he would send the “helper” to be with them who would lead them into all truth.
“If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive him, for it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you do, for he lives with you now and some day shall be in you. No, I will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the storm—I will come to you. ”( John 14:15-18)
On the Day of Pentecost, a mighty wind surged forth from heaven, pushing the followers of Jesus out of the house where they had been waiting, and into the streets. Flames danced above their heads, their tongues began to wag, and people from all over the world heard what they said, no matter what their native language.
And so it has always been from that day to this, the Holy Spirit is as powerful and active as ever, energising the body of Christ to be as Christ in the world.
Usually on Pentecost Sunday we gather together to worship, this year is so different, we are separated from one another, but still united in the Spirit.
I came across this prayer written especially for these times.
A Prayer for Pentecost during the Pandemic
The apostles were together that day, Unsure, likely frightened.
We, too, are behind closed doors, But alone and isolated.
What rushing sound will we hear?
During this time when we fear nothing more than the breath of others,
Breathe on us, O Holy Spirit of God.
Although there will be no crowds gathered today as there were in Jerusalem,
Teach us, O Holy Spirit of God, To speak new languages of love
That will reverberate beyond the walls of our homes,
Communicating care and compassion to those who need it most.
The virus that we fear is ubiquitous, but so are you, our ever-present counsellor, our comforter.
As we sit in the darkness, kindle your fire in us, O Holy Spirit of God,
Until the whole world is lit.
God bless you.
As we sit in the darkness, kindle your fire in us, O Holy Spirit of God,
Until the whole world is lit.
God bless you.