Good morning sisters and brothers,
A couple of weeks ago my daughter sent me a video clip of my youngest grandson Tate. It shows him moving along the street and he is dancing and twirling and flicking his hair, all at the same time as singing at the top of his voice. My daughter said, “He dances and sings all the time, he just canny help himself.” “I don’t know what folk must think of him”
I said, “I wouldn’t worry about that, let him be, don’t try to stifle his joy”
It reminded me of a wee girl who used to come to Sunday worship, who, whenever the singing started up was out of her seat and out into the aisle, or even to the front dancing for all she was worth.
At times her actions were frowned upon, that it might to be appropriate, and that I as the minister should “put a stop to it”
I didn’t, of course, and eventually her dance began to be seen as worship.
She was in good company for we read in 2 Samuel 6 of the day the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the city. The Ark, thought at that time to be the dwelling place of God, had been missing for years, and now it was returning.
And it was a time of great celebration as the Ark was brought into the city, and we read that Kind David, was “dancing before the Lord with all his might.”
Yesterday we spoke about singing as part of worship and for some people that is what worship is..............singing...............but there are many ways to express our praise and worship of God, and dance is just another way.
It was interesting to see my daily reading for today.......where the Psalmist just can’t stop praising God.