LENT 2021
LENT 2021
Our Lenten reflections this year will follow a different pattern from past years.
Due to the pandemic it is unlikely that we will be able to meet together as we would wish.
So, it is our intention at Braehead House, to make use of our walled garden in order to keep the season.
On Fridays, beginning 19th Feb for 6 weeks, 5 Prayer Stations will be set up to enable folks to ponder and reflect on each week’s theme.
The garden will be open each day from 12-3 and a map will be available to direct participants, ensuring that all remain safe.
The book I will use for this year is “LENT IN PLAIN SIGHT” by Jill J Duffield, reflecting on the way God often works through ordinary things and ordinary people.
To register or to get more information please call 01555 860716
For those who are interested, I shall be posting a daily blog on our web-page under chaplain’s updates from Ash Wednesday up till the Saturday before Palm Sunday.
Information about Holy Week be sent nearer the time.
Any changes to the above will be posted on our web site. Information can be accessed by clicking on Corina virus updates on the home page, then clicking onto Chaplain updates.
Elizabeth 6/2/2021