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Reflection for Sunday 14 March 2020

Fourth in Lent

Reading Acts 12-6-11

“The angel said to him, “Fasten your belt and put on your sandals”

“God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He will be my guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way, He will make a way” ( Don Moen )

Peter, bound in chains, was sleeping between two soldiers, while guards in front of the door were keeping watch over the prison”

Nevertheless, he escapes from prison with the miraculous help of an angel.

It would appear that Peter was not too sure if what was happening was real, he thought perhaps it was a vision. It only becomes real to him when he is standing outside the prison gates, shoes on, belt on, cloak on, free.

Of course, the church community had been hard at prayer for their brother Paul, praying earnestly for his release. Yet, even when Peter arrived at the door of the house where prayer was taking place, those gathered also did not believe it had happened.

But, it did, and it does, God can and will make a way when we feel there is no way out of difficult situations.

So many people are chained to current circumstances, and imprisoned by forces not under their control.

Illness, economic hardship, broken relationships, job loss, addiction, floods..................

During lock down too, some folks are beginning to despair that life will never get back to normal.

Being human means being vulnerable, and yet as we turn to scripture we see over and over that God can break the bonds of prison and set the captives free.

Perhaps as you reflect on your own life you can see where God has been present and offered a way out of your difficult situations, and perhaps this is the day to commit to place your life into his hands once more.


God, you make a way for us when we falter and feel afraid. Give us courage, comfort us in our anxiety, send messengers, angels, and unexpected provisions.

Help us to be like Peter, ready to put-on our shoes and belt so that we can follow your angel’s instruction and be free to fulfil your purpose for us.



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