Reflection for Sunday 10th May 2020
Reflection for Sunday 10th May 2020
5th after Easter
Way beyond all journeying, Truth behind all mystery, Life within all living:
Salve for every soreness, mender of every brokenness, midwife of a better future:
Ground of all being, judge of all nations, conscience of the universe:
Maker, Redeemer, confessor, companion, befriender, inspirer,
God beyond all names,
Reading: John 14:1-14
The reading for this, the 5th Sunday after Easter is a familiar one to us. The disciples are in the upper room. Their feet are clean, they’ve eaten together and Judas has left. The atmosphere is intimate enough that these hardened fishermen, these risk takers and way-changers can share their fears for the future. Jesus urges them not to be troubled: that He is going to prepare a place in His Father’s house for them; that Jesus will come back for them and that, in any case, they know the way.
This statement is a bit too much for Thomas. He doesn’t need the talking in riddles; he needs a plan and a map. Instead Jesus offers him a burning bush statement: I AM. “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Jesus is encouraging Thomas into a future that is wholly dependent upon a relationship with Him and God.
In recent years when I have read this passage I have been transported back to a time when walking the Camino Santiago de Compostella. It had been a long day, and I arrived in the small town where I had instructions to telephone my host for that evening. He then would come and get me and take me to the accommodation. I got out the phone number then realised what the host’s name was.........JESUS!
I though this will be interesting as I dialed the number. A man answered and said ,“Hello, this is Jesus” I said, “Hello, my name is Elizabeth” He said, "I have been expecting you, I am coming for you now”
A few minutes later a battered car drove up and out jumped a man who said, “ I am Jesus, come, I will take you to my home”
He did and I was shown the most wonderful room which had been prepared for me.
That evening I was shown the most wonderful hospitality, and next morning after a hearty breakfast served by his mother, Jesus took me back in his car to the place where I could pick up the Camino again.
It was still dark, and when we arrived he got out of the car, took my arm, and pointed off down the road saying, “See, down this path, this is the way, keep following and you will not be lost”
I felt I had been living through these verses from John 14.
Not too far into the day’s walk I came across this wee sign on the path.
It kind of felt like a message for all the followers of the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Reminding us that we have always been known, that we have always had the potential in us to walk closely with God our Creator, to be tended to by Jesus our Saviour, and to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Before the world began one Word was there; grounded in God he was, rooted in care; by him all things were made; in him was love displayed; through him God spoke and said, 'I am for you.' All who received the Word by God were blessed; sisters and brothers they of earth's fond guest. So did the Word of Grace proclaim in time and space, 'I am for you'
I wish you every blessing as you follow the Lord and this His day.
and with a human face, 'I am for you.'