MAY 18th 2020
Good morning friends, as we begin another week together in lockdown.
I wonder how you spent the weekend?
I spent part of it listening in to the newly installed Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
Rev Dr Martin Fair was installed during a service in a strangely empty hall which in “normal” times would have been filled to capacity with representatives from parish churches all over Scotland and abroad, along with members of the public, but because of Covid 19 the week long Assembly was cancelled for the first time in 330 years.
Martin shared how for the past 6 months he has been preparing for his year as Moderator, only to find that things have changed beyond what he or anyone else had ever imagined.
He has an empty diary and a blank page on which to write.
However, he said the call to serve his Lord is strong as ever it was, and he will do so to the best of his ability to follow Jesus calling in this next year.
It reminded me of the fact that we, I can make all the plans we like, but, when all is said and done, God is in control and his plans will come to be.
Jesus calls us to come to him, and as he sends us forth he will direct our paths, our role is to listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit and to respond.
I’ve been pondering the last two weeks what the Lord is saying to us here in the Fellowship at Braehead House in these days of change.
I’ve been walking through the main house, the lodge, and the grounds remembering and giving thanks for all that has gone before in terms of healing, but also praying for guidance for these present times and for the future.
We believe that the healing power of Jesus is as powerful today as it was when he walked the earth and sent his followers out to heal in his name. And, for sure I know that Jesus healing touch is as needed today as ever it was.
And so I ask you to pray with me each day as we reflect on the accounts of healing in Scripture, and see their relevance for these present times.
Jesus said, God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and
recovery of sight to the blind,To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!” (Luke 4:18-19 The Message)
God bless you this new day.
God bless you this new day.