Good morning friends,
The photograph is one of many stopping places on the Camino Sanatiago Pilgrimage walk. In it you can see fellow travellers taking time to rest a while, find food and drink, sort out any issues with painful “bits”, and to have conversation. These stopping places are a time for fellowship where encouragement for the journey ahead is offered and received.
I remember that day clearly because while I was sitting a young woman arrived in a bit of a “state”. She had fallen crossing a river and was bleeding, covered in dust and mud, her backpack was sodden and it was clear that she needed some assistance.
It was amazing to watch what happened as the “Camino community” gathered round and swung into action. She was helped to a seat, a couple who were medics tended to her wounds, a man brought out a tray of sandwiches and a cool drink, and her sodden back pack was unloaded and that which was wet dried out to dry in the sun.
I spoke to her a while and she kept saying, “I can’t get over the kindness of people” I said, “it’s just what we do isn’t it?” “We are all in this together”
Reflecting on that experience the word FELLOWSHIP kept coming to mind. The dictionary defines it as a company of people with mutual interests, companionship, friendship, meeting together and sharing experiences, community, intimacy, communion.
All of these “things” were present that day for that young woman.
And, it was present for those who gathered together with fellow believers in the days following Pentecost.
Yesterday we read in Acts 2:42 that those who had heard the gospel message preached by Peter and become followers of Jesus “ devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship”
We can imagine folks gathering to encourage and support one another as their new found faith began to impact into their lives. It’s interesting to see that not only did they devote themselves to the teaching of the disciples, they also devoted themselves to fellowship.
Here at Braehaed House we have noticed how important it is to engage in fellowship with one another. It is during these times that strong bonds of friendship are formed, people find strength in difficult times, faith is shared, and the gospel is acted out.
During lockdown, although we have not been able to gather to worship, or to meet for morning prayer, the bonds of fellowship have continued to be felt and experienced.
I thank God for all of you, and pray that you will be encouraged in your walk of faith this day.
I thank God for all of you, and pray that you will be encouraged in your walk of faith this day.