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THURSDAY 11 June 2020

Good morning friends,

How are you today?

Some may be feeling that they are doing well, but I know from recent texts and phone calls over the last two days that others are struggling a little. Feeling a little lost, or that life is becoming monotonous....... doing the same old thing every day, longing to just “go somewhere” worried about a loved one who is seriously ill, or our own health issues.

All of these feelings are quite normal, as the lockdown continues, and that’s ok.

There is a man we read about in Acts 3 who was in his own place of lockdown.

He had been lame from birth, and each day his life followed the same monotonous pattern. He was carried each day to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts hoping to make some money to see another day.

I can remember a few years ago speaking with some young men who attended our soup kitchen in Alloa. They told me that if they could get their hands on a “fiver” early on in the day, then they were able to relax..........a real hand to mouth existence.

One day the man sitting at the Beautiful Gate encounters two of Jesus disciples, Peter and John, who are making their way to the temple for the 3 o clock prayer time.

We remember that these disciples are living in the days after the coming of the Holy Spirit, and that they were in daily communion with new converts to the Christian faith, worshiping, praying, breaking bread, sharing their possessions, and preaching the good news of the gospel of Christ. We read that “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Now, we hear of another added to the numbers that day.

The lame man asks for money, the disciples look straight at him, and Peter says, “Look at us”

Peter says, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk” “And stretching out his hand he helped the man up, who in turn feeling his feet and ankles becoming strong, jumped to his feet and began walking and praising God.”

In Greek, the word to heal and the word to save is the same.........SOZO.

The lame beggar was saved by the powerful name of Jesus, spoken out by those who believed, and who could give testimony of that saving grace in their own lives.

The beautiful name, spoken out at the Beautiful Gate, with beautiful results


Jesus, what a beautiful name Son of God, Son of Man Lamb that was slain Joy and peace, strength and hope Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name

Jesus, what a beautiful name Truth revealed, my future sealed Healed my pain Love and freedom, life and warmth Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name

Jesus, what a beautiful name Rescued my soul, my stronghold

Lifts me from shame Forgiveness, security, power and love Grace that blows all fear away Jesus, what a beautiful name Darlene Zschech

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