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Good morning friends,

The day for our community of faith began yesterday with some sad news.

One of our gardeners, a real friend of the Fellowship passed away on Monday evening.

John was a lovely Christian man who lived out his faith in a quiet humble way, and we will miss his presence in our midst.

We pray God’s comfort for his wife and daughter at this time, and for all who will be saddened as they hear of his death.

John had a pattern in the morning as he arrived to work in the garden.

He would first of all walk round the garden looking to see what needed doing. He would then come into the house going straight to the kitchen to leave the “goodies” for the morning tea break, when all who were working that day would gather round the table to share pancakes and jam, or fruitcake, and have a “blether.”

This gathering round the table was an important time for all kinds of topics were discussed. Faith was shared, troubles aired, support given, and the sound of laughter could often be heard ringing out.

Hospitality offered and received.

I am reminded of the importance of table fellowship, and I can remember many times in my life when I have felt really at home when gathered round a table with family and friends.

The Christian faith places great store in gathering round a table, the table of our Lord.

It was at the last meal with his friends that Jesus broke bread and shared the cup speaking of how it represented his broken body and shed blood, and how this would usher in a new relationship with God because of his death.

I love the introduction to this table fellowship from the Wild Goose Resource Group.

“Gathered round a table is where Jesus often met with people.........

Gathered round the table of Matthew, of Zacchaeus, of Martha and Mary, of Peter and Lazarus...................

Gathered round a table where he could see people face to face, listen to their stories, share their laughter.”

And, we know when the community of faith gather Jesus promises to meet us there, and all are


Hospitality offered and received.

So, whether your table is large or small, may you know the hospitality of the Saviour this day. God bless you.


Hospitality offered and received.

So, whether your table is large or small, may you know the hospitality of the Saviour this day. God bless you.

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