Reflection for Friday 26th Feb 2021
Reading : 1 Corinthians 11:17-26
"This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me"
Paul writing to the Church at Corinth gives the congregation a piece of his mind as only he can.
Word had got to him that when the Corinthians gathered around the Lord’s table, divisions were evident, factions present, acrimony on the menu.
Some would hog the food or show up drunk, others were looked down on and made to feel unwelcome.
These are disappointing table manners which Paul addressed.
Paul reminded the Church that when we eat the bread and drink the wine we remember the One who died for us, poured out his life for us, kneeled and washed our feet, and instructed us to do likewise.
We eat from the one loaf and drink from the one cup, reminding us that we are one in and through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When we gather at the Table of our Lord, our relationship with Christ dictates our relationships with each other.
When we gather round the table, we experience a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come, when all tribes and nations gather together, worshiping and singing alleluia together.
All are welcome at the Table of the Lord in this life and in the life to come.
How do we examine ourselves before we come and eat the bread that is Christ’s body at the Communion table?
Are there relationships you need to try and repair?
Are there divisions and factions that need to be healed?
Hold any of this brokenness in prayer this week and then do what you can to make amends.
Gracious God, you welcome us to the Table of our Lord.
Forgive us for the times our table manners have not reflected your saving mercy and grace.
Help us to mend divisions and heal hurts.