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Reflection for Saturday 13 March 2021

Reading : Ezra 2:64-69

“As soon as they came to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, some of the families made freewill offerings for the house of God, to erect it on its site.”

Many of us will be familiar with the stewardship campaigns congregations engage with each year which run on a three year cycle. Members are asked to consider and review their giving in terms of time, talents and money.

IN my experience folks are quite happy to review their time and talents, but when it comes to money there can be at times a few complaints and grumbling.

The cry goes up “The church is always looking for money!”

And yet, it is one of the things that most people promise to do when they become members of the church, to give a fitting contribution towards the ministry and mission of the church. In fact scripture urges us to tithe from our resources, before we do anything else with our money.

The OT book of Ezra details what happened when the people returned to Jerusalem after 50 years of exile in Babylon.

The first place they go to is the site of the house of the Lord. There they find rubble, remnants of objects once used in worship. Imagine the dismay and tears as they survey what was once the centre of their lives destroyed, but also the hope they had that the ruins could be restored once more.

The heads of some families made a bold statement and put their money where their hope was and gave a freewill offering, of gold silver and priestly robes. This generous giving would then inspire others to do the same.

One of the things that has given much inspiration here at Braehead House over the years is the generosity of our membership to give freely of the time, talents and money.

All we have needed has come to us by way of freewill offerings, pure gift, given with hearts or the Lord’s work, and I give thanks each day for each person’s contribution.

It seems to me that the more we give, the more the Lord blesses.

There a wee song we used to sing in Sunday School, perhaps you know it.

Love is something if you give it away

You've got to give it away

Give it away

Love is something if you give it away

You'll end up having more

Love is like a lucky penny

Hold it tight and you won't have any

But, give it away

And you'll have plenty

You'll end up having more

Something to ponder perhaps?


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