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Reflection for Sunday 28 Feb 2021

Second Sunday in Lent

And so, here we are..........the second Sunday in Lent.

The theme for this week is The Cross and it was the focus of our second Lenten prayer journey in the walled garden, this Friday past.

We find crosses in our path many times in our daily lives; see how many you spot in this coming week.

Of course our Lenten journey will ultimately lead us to the cross of Calvary on Good Friday, where Jesus laid down his life for us.

I invite you this coming week to find a cross small enough to carry with you to prompt your daily prayers.

The cross in the photograph is one that holds a special place in my heart.

It is the Cruz de Hierro which pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostella come across on their journey.

The mound on which you see folks standing, is made up of small stones which pilgrims have carried with them to place at the cross to mark some thing they are wishing to lay down.

In among the stones, and tied on the wooden pole which holds the cross are ribbons, bits of material, notes, and other small items which are prayers asking for peace, healing, forgiveness, strength, comfort...........

I’ve been to that cross on three occasions, and each time I have been struck by the sense of peace and stillness. All chatter stops, there’s a sense of reverence, as folks drawing near show respect to those who are standing there, or sitting by the wayside.

I have placed my small stone, said my prayer and sat a while just soaking up the peace.

Many, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims have made that journey, many prayers said, many burdens left at the foot of the cross.

of course we don't have to travel far and wide to lay down our burdens, to bring our prayers to the foot of the cross.

We can do that any time any where.

So, I wonder is there something you need to lay to rest this week?

This season of Lent?

Is there someone to let go of?

A hurt to be healed?

Mercy to receive?

If so..................bring these things to the foot of the cross and be blessed.

God bless you this day,



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