Reflection for Tues 9 Feb 2021
Good morning,
I wonder how good your memory is?
Some folks have great memories, others are quite forgetful.
Followers of these reflections will know that I am a great lover of poetry, and, recently I have been reading a book by Giles Brandreth, which explores how beneficial it can be to our memory re-call to memorise poetry.
When I started to think about it I began to re-call poems I learned at school, maybe not the whole poem but certainly the odd line or two. You know.............."I wandered lonely as a cloud"....or " I must go down to the sea again" or " the owl and the pussy cat went to sea"..........
So, I though perhaps a good challenge during these days of lockdown would be to start to learn a poem every fortnight.
I've got off to a great start! I learned my first poem in seconds....................amazing I hear you say!
It's by Roger McGeogh, entitled New Poem.
Here it is....."So far, so good"
It made me smile, and fair encouraged me to keep going with this new learning experience.
"So far, so good" a short piece of poetry that had a positive influence on my spirit, on what just happened to be dank deary February morning.
It reminded me of the positive influences that learning verses or whole passages of Scripture can bring to our spirit, especially during lockdown.
Many of us will have learned Scripture off by heart at school or Sunday school, and it's great when a verse just pops into our heads
Over the last 24 hours two people have spoken to me of having a "wobbly" moment in recent days feeling really tired and weary,, and of how God's Word came to them just when they needed to hear it.
The passage that spoke to them is one which you may already know off by heart, but if not maybe it's worth learning today.
Jesus said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
( Matthew 11:28-30 )
Even if you can't remember the whole passage, the first two words would be enough to set you off on the right path and let you say,"so far so good"
May God bless you today,