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Reflection for Tuesday 2 Feb 2021

Keep on Keeping On

Most folks will know that in mid Dec I sustained an injury to my shoulder.

I was and am grateful to those who have been on hand to help me out, both practically and prayerfully.

In the first few days and weeks, the pain was intense and I had little mobility in my arm and shoulder.

As the weeks have gone on and I have engaged with the exercises given by the physiotherapist, and kept up with painkillers, things have improved greatly.

I am able you be out and about and get back to my daily walks, and I have to say........I thought another week or so and I’ll be back to “normal”

However, after speaking on a video call with my physiotherapist a couple of days ago, she put pain to that swift return to normality. She informed me that it could take up to six to nine months for my shoulder to heal properly. I was more than a little disappointed and after the call checked online to see if it was true..............and it was.

So, I need to keep on with the patient.........let things take their course.

The problem is of course, that some days I feel like doing the exercises, but there are other days when I’m less inclined and have to make a real effort to do them.

I’ve found that putting on Christian music helps, and there’s a song by Ian White which fits the bill perfectly.

It’s called “You’ve got to keep on keepin on”

A word for me each morning in terms of both physical and spiritual exercises.

It is so important to keep on keeping on with the Lord, to run the race set before us, to gain the prize.

I think especially in these days of the pandemic, when many folks are feeling weary of this race we are in.

I know in my head that if I keep up with the physical exercises set for me, I will return to full strength, and I also know in my heart, that time spent in spiritual exercises, I will be brought to a place of quietness and prayer, will enable me to have renewed strength for each day in the company of the Lord. I just need to “do it”

One of the readings for next Sunday is contained in Isaiah 40: 28-31

“Don't you know? Haven't you heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God;

he created all the world.

He never grows tired or weary.

No one understands his thoughts.

He strengthens those who are weak and tired.

Even those who are young grow weak;

young people can fall exhausted.

But those who trust in the Lord for help

will find their strength renewed.

They will rise on wings like eagles;

they will run and not get weary;

they will walk and not grow weak.”

I pray that as you wait on the Lord today that you will find the strength you need for the days ahead.

God bless, Elizabeth


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