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Reflection for Wednesday 17 March 2021

Reading : Luke 15:11-24


As part of my ministry in Alloa we opened a clothing bank. Thorough time we realised that some of the folks we encountering had very sore feet.

Days and nights of walking the streets in all weathers often meant that foot rot was a very real problem and I quickly found that the most important clothing we could provide were clean socks and shoes.

I can remember one Christmas week a local volunteer said he would provide four pairs of new socks and one pair of new boots or one pair new of trainers for all those who visited the soup kitchen that season.

I can remember the joy and amazement of those who were the recipients of such generosity. And more than one said, “why are you doing this?” the answer? .............“because we love you”

Often getting the gift of something new signifies that someone is valued, worthy and noticed.

In Luke’s gospel the familiar story of the Prodigal Son tells of a young man returning home expecting to be shamed or relegated to the role of servant, but who instead receives a wonderful welcome............his father calls out for new clothing, new shoes, and a party where all are welcome and all know their belovedness.

Grace overflows, as the lost son, is brought back unreservedly and unconditionally into his father’s home.


When have you ever experienced a sense of being valued? How was that expressed?

Have you ever been surprised by a gracious response when you expected judgement?

Have you ever offered grace to someone who was expecting judgment?


God of grace, you run out to meet us in love when we expect having to beg for your mercy.

You see our uniqueness and our value as your children

As we bask in your embrace, marvel at our new clothing, and celebrate at the feast given in our honour, our excitement grows.

Knowing the joy of such grace, help us to live in ways that cause your mercy and goodness to overflow to all we meet.



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